In gratitude for mothering love
offered by women who have birthed, nurtured, and sustained life
whether in the physical offspring of children cared for and encouraged
or in the progeny of integrity, kindness, creativity, and compassion.
In gratitude for mothering love
whether offered by the blessed or burdened, the poised or imperfect,
who daily strive to live lives of character and grace,
tenderness and mettle, dignity and delight.
In gratitude for mothering love
offered by women who reflect the Feminine Face of God,
who routinely birth hope, mother mercy, model strength,
and whose lives are sacraments of generosity.
In gratitude for mothering love
offered by women who care about creation, notice the vulnerable,
cry out for the children of the earth, ennoble the common deed,
enwomb blessing, and do what is right.
In gratitude for mothering love
offered by those whose hearts ache for peace, whose feet march for justice,
who are well acquainted with suffering and grief,
take nothing for granted, cultivate wisdom, and sweeten life.
Artwork: Lee Lawson, https://www.leelawsom/
Love this and the art, Dan. Thanks, we shared a great mother.