Michael Crosby, O.F.M. Cap. 1940-2017

Michael Crosby OFM, CapI just learned Fr. Michael Crosby died today. Michael, a Capuchin Franciscan from Milwaukee, was a frequent speaker and retreat leader at the Center for Spiritual Development where I worked for nearly 10 years. With his Franciscan heart, Michael was one of the most insightful and challenging voices of our times, offering a spiritual and prophetic exigesis of both church and society.

Michael was a trailblazer in raising awareness and calling for corporate reform through socially responsible investing. He was Executive Director of the Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment which is part of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. He was also Founder of The Human Thread, “a campaign to raise consciousness and empower Catholics to advocate for the plight of garment workers worldwide.”

Ever the prophet and promoter of justice, Michael spoke out against the magisterium’s position on women’s ordination and homosexuality. He was devoted to the example of St. Francis and to the life embodied and expressed by Jesus.

Michael was a prolific writer and award winning author. Some of his books include: The Spirituality of the Beatitudes, The Paradox of Power: From Control to Compassion, The Dysfunctional Church, and Repair My House: Becoming a “Kindom” Catholic.

Remembrances of Michael can be found here and here.

Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

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