Facing a Hint of the Holy

According to French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas, in the access to the human face there is also an access to the idea of God: “To my mind,” he writes, “the Infinite comes in the signifyingness of the face. The face signifies the Infinite.

BROTHER WEEPS once said, “That we are not able to see the face of God is evidence of God’s kindness. For scripture says, ‘No one can see the face of God and live.’ So lovely, radiant, and beautiful is the face of God that it would be too much exquisiteness for our eyes to see and our hearts to bear. But in God’s generosity we are able to catch a hint of the Holy reflected in the human face if we but learn how to see one another from a divine perspective. ~ djm

The human face is a synonym for the incarnation of uniqueness.
~ Rabbi Abraham Heschel

To see a face is already to hear ‘You shall not kill.’
~ Emmanuel Levinas

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