Cultivating a Spirituality with Integrity
In this presentation, we will look at essential movements in the spiritual life and begin to consider how to cultivate a spirituality with integrity, one that connects radical amazement and compassion, and is characterized by authenticity, aliveness, and responsibility. Particular attention will be given to exploring how understanding and living the mystical and prophetic dimensions of faith help us to discover the fullness of what it means to be human and holy. We will examine how appreciation and integration of these two movements in the spiritual life will be the seeds of a spirituality that can sustain us personally, guide us communally, and heal us globally.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
– Mary Oliver
The greatest “thank you” for being alive is to live a significant life. And the greatest danger is to sleepwalk through it or to be wasteful with it.
A significant life does not mean we have to be famous people doing big things that make a big splash. Rather, it involves living from the inside out, making a positive impact where we are, standing for something noble, and pointing to something bigger than ourselves. Living significantly begins with being convinced that we are significant and it means that our lives are marked by self-awareness, intentionality, wonder, soulfulness, generosity, deep sympathy, and love-in-action.
Choose to live life as an adventure of soul. Join us! Your presence will help make this a significant event.
I Will Not Die an Unlived Life
Perhaps the greatest danger and tragedy in life is for persons to get to the end of their time here on earth and to discover that they gave themselves to the wrong things—things that in the end were not worthy nor encouraging of who they really were.
Using Dawna Markova’s poem “I Will Not Die an Unlived Life” as inspiration and guide, we will examine
. . . what we can do to cultivate the soil of a life oriented toward thriving and not just surviving,
. . . what seeds God has given us for planting,
. . . what spade work, weeding, and pruning are required to blossom into the fullness of our being, and
. . . what are the fruits of our graced-labor and with whom are we called to share them?
It is never too early and never too late to do our part to cooperate with the divine to insure that we flourish and to foster the full blossoming of others and of God’s creation.
Creating a Rule of Life
What can I do to live more intentionally, consciously, and fully the life I want to live?
What can I do to enhance spiritual growth and cooperate with divine grace?
Building a trellis for your soul is a good start. A Rule is not the same thing as rules. Like a trellis, a Rule is a consciously crafted way of living that supports, guides, and encourages spiritual growth. Just as a monastic community has a Rule for the purpose of nourishing, guiding, and sustaining its members, so too individual persons can benefit from outlining an intentional way of living that supports ongoing growth and transformation.
Join us as we explore the meaning, purpose, and benefits of a Rule and begin to craft our own personal Rule in order to foster lives of spiritual depth and vitality.
* Easter Seedling, Julie Lonneman, Used with permission.