

An Act of Love, Constantly Repeated

Find descriptions of the types of programs I offer below. Descriptions of specific programs are found on the presentations and retreats page.


One Time Talks are presentations on a given topic or person that are 1 – 3 hours in length.

PARISH MISSION (Spiritual Renewal Series)*

A Parish Mission is a spiritual renewal experience consisting of a series of talks offered on three to five consecutive mornings and/or evenings for all interested parishioners. Gathering on a concentrated number of days, a Parish Mission allows for immersion into a single theme or for deeper development of interrelated themes. The intention of a Mission is to bring the entire community together to hear a new voice present the vision and implications of the Christian gospel in a creative, inspiring, and substantive manner. The hope is to foster a deeper understanding and a felt sense of the extravagance of God’s love and to evoke and encourage a more conscious, mature, and wholehearted response to that love. More homiletical than catechetical or academic in style, these talks are meant to enliven, encourage, and challenge participants to cultivate, tend, and sustain lives of spiritual depth.

* Because Parish Mission is a uniquely Catholic term and unfamiliar in many communities (even many Catholic communities), these presentations are offered with a thematic title and are often referred to as A Spiritual Renewal Series or Parish Retreat.



A Spiritual Enrichment Series is a series of presentations offered locally (in Southern California) on a particular day of the week for between three to six consecutive week nights and/or mornings. Like a Parish Mission, a Spiritual Enrichment Series allows for deeper development of a particular topic or theme. As opposed to a Parish Mission which meets on consecutive days and/or evenings, a Spiritual Enrichment Series has the added advantage of allowing what was presented to percolate in the participants for a week as well as offering time for minimal related reading, spiritual practices, and/or reflection questions between gatherings. These series can be offered any time of the year and can be tailored to fit into Adult Faith Formation Programs, liturgical seasons, or dedicated groups.



Days of Prayer and Reflection are theme-based gatherings that make time and space for any combination of the following: presentations in the form of meditative reflections, prayerful silence, spiritual practices, small group conversation, and communal ritual action. This is offered in either a half-day (e.g. 9 a.m. – 12 or 1 p.m.) or full day format (e.g. 9 a.m. – 3 or 4 p.m.).



Retreats are opportunities to create a space in one’s normal schedule for an extended period of time for spiritual renewal. Retreats offer a chance to tend to matters of the heart by offering people a time away from their normal routine and/or environment. Retreats may be offered in a variety of formats. Two examples are: (1) contemplative silent retreats with daily presentations that set the tone and direction for days and evenings otherwise spent in quiet and prayerful reflection; and (2) interactive retreats that are oriented around a theme and include presentation, silent reflection, small and large group dialogue, ample time for rest, and communal prayer.

Typical formats are weekend retreats (e.g. Friday evening to Sunday mid-day) or 5-6 day retreats. Retreats may be offered to groups of people previously unknown to each other or to pre-existing communities (e.g. religious communities, parishes, parish staffs and ministry teams, social action groups, diaconate programs, RCIA leaders and participants, Stephen’s Ministers, Men’s Groups, college campus ministry or young adult groups to name just some). Retreats may be scheduled at retreat centers with overnight facilities or at the hosting parish or sponsoring faith community. 

Descriptions of specific programs are found on the presentations and retreats page.