Why I Do What I Do — An Advent Reflection

E-mman-u-el  [ ih-man-yoo-uhl ] from Hebrew ʿimmānū'ēl “God is with us” I was listening the other day to an interview with Chris Herren who is in his mid-forties. He’s a humble, insightful, and articulate man. And he’s doing such Read more [...]

In the Bleak Midwinter, a Day to Re-Joy

. . . everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. ~ Isaiah 35:10b Today, the Third Sunday of Advent, is known as GAUDETE SUNDAY or Rejoice Sunday. Guadete in Latin means Read more [...]

Musica Memento 10 ~ Yearning for Our Home

Yearning is perhaps best typed in italics because its modus operandi involves leaning into life. All genuine earthly yearnings are expressions of the one deep longing for the One Intimacy from which we come and in which we experience peace, taste Read more [...]