Talking Out Loud to Myself in the Humble Hope that Someone Might Overhear (2)

AND INSTEAD OF HAVING ME COMMITTED WILL COMMITTHEMSELVES TO DIVING DEEPER INTO THE MYSTERY ~ An Inner View Disguised as an Interview ~ No. 2. . . continued from December 3, 2019 MYSELF: I’d like to pick up where we left off. Read more [...]

Talking Out Loud to Myself in the Humble Hope that Someone Might Overhear (1)

AND INSTEAD OF HAVING ME COMMITTED WILL COMMITTHEMSELVES TO DIVING DEEPER INTO THE MYSTERY ~ An Inner View Disguised as an Interview ~ No. 1 MYSELF: Well , first, thank you for sitting down with me.DAN: Of course, my pleasure. Read more [...]

Pensées — Advent Pondering 1

As you know, Advent literally means “coming toward” (ad- toward + venire- to come) Traditionally, it is the season when we pay special attention to the coming towardness of God, the divine presence in our midst.

First, by entering again into the Read more [...]